Why Rationalism is the Logical Choice

First, what does it mean to be rational? The dictionary gives “based on or in accordance with reason or logic”. I agree. However this is somewhat of a circular definition. We now need to know what reason and logic are but to avoid going into semantical discourse let’s just assume you have good conceptual grasp of the basics of reason and logic though. It means taking each situation on its merits. It is believing in mathematics and science, in particular the scientific method and attempting to disprove current theories.

Descartes, the first modern rationalist.

Rationalism would have you question every single belief that you have, created in childhood or adulthood and have you analyse the benefits and detriments to your life. It is rational to throw away the bad beliefs and keep the good. There is a problem though. Conflict between the truth and the “good” or shall we say “pleasurable”. It would be very irrational to disregard the truth, even to slightly manipulate the truth, since any form of manipulated truth is a lie.

Truth vs “Good” Beliefs

We must first establish why it is rational to accept truth over something that may be of personal benefit. For me, this is difficult to write, because I can feel it. It is not something I have been easily able to put into words. The best I can do is that truth is reality and reality is the purest form of existence, since it is existence. Any beliefs or systems of beliefs that hinder the ability to see reality are bad for this reason. “But reality is bad, we are just doing the logical thing by making it better for ourselves.” The rational person would say that reality is merely indifferent, it is our judgement of reality that decides whether it is good or bad.

How about the thought experiment: Does a tree that falls in the forest makes a sound if no one is there to hear it? It doesn’t. It creates sound waves, yes. But it does not create sound. Sound requires an ear and brain to register the sound. In just the same way, reality can exist (like the sound waves) but the actual texture (sound) of this reality is defined by the interpreter (us). Therefore we are able to register reality as the indifferent it is and act upon the truth with our rationality, no matter the nature of the sound waves.

Rationalism Does Not Mean Cold-hearted or Indifferent

It’s true. It is actually rational to empathise with others. It is rational to increase the chances of tribe survival by making meaningful connections with other tribe members and working together for the greater good.

You can also rest easy reaching for pleasure, as long as the truth is unimpeded. Truth and/or moralistic beliefs do not impact whether you prefer milk chocolate over white chocolate. It is therefore rational to choose that which you prefer more.